Here at Quivira Corgis we have had an amazing Summer and are excited to be moving into fall harvest which keeps us busy. We are currently raising one beautiful tri-color Pembroke Welsh Corgi litter and we have FINALLY had puppies from our imported fawn & white stud, Sunny! We are working with our current families that have placed deposits to determine which puppy gets to join which family. If you have placed a deposit and have not heard from us, please reach out to us. Quivira Corgis strives to provide a great puppy and puppy adoption experience for every family. At times due caring for and playing with our puppies, we are not able to send as many photos and emails as we would like. We ask that you remain patient and understand that our number one priority is raising spectacular, well adjusted, healthy Pembroke Welsh Corgis. We do apologize and look forward to welcoming each new owner to our Quivira Corgi family.

A little bit about us...

Living, loving, learning and laughing our way through our puppy filled days is how we spend our time at Quivira Corgis. We started with one corgi in the fall of 2008...but who can have just one little corgi butt running around?
We are a small breeder of this amazing breed and have worked hard over the past 15 years developing a well respected family based breeding program. Our puppies live all over the United States and Canada.
We are passionate about this breed and LOVE raising these little peanuts.We have been blessed beyond words to have had the opportunity to work with great families including the owner of Gatsby the Corgi and a number of other famous Instagram corgis. We have also been given an opportunity to work with Canine Support Teams and have placed a number of Pembroke Welsh Corgis into service work.
We are currently taking deposits on our future litters and would LOVE to answer any questions you may have about our puppies and our placement process.